My little butt hurts LMAO


Seems like there's a lot of same butt hurt here when someone flips something.

I never understood this. If somebody asks me how much I want for something, and I tell them 20 bucks, if they pay me I'm happy. And if that same person gets 200 bucks for the thing they paid me 20 for, good on them. If it was worth 200, and I unknowingly sold it for 20, it ain't nobody's fault but mine for not doin my homework. And if it was really only worth 15, good on me for finding a sucker to give me 20, and double good on him for finding a bigger sucker to give him 200. Even if it was worth 50, and I say 35, and the buyer counters with 20, it ain't nobody's fault but mine if I accept.

Just like the time in 1999 when a guy called me and asked if I wanted a 72 Dart for $40. I bought it, a 69,283 mile car with a current state inspection. A friend asked how I could sleep at night after taking advantage of the seller. My response " If HE offered it to me for that price, and I take it, what's the problem? If he offered it to me for that price, he would offer it to somebody else for that also. So I sleep just fine, knowing I saw a deal and took it!!!"