What engine oil do you prefer,??.

I am still trying to figure out why/how a synthetic oil could stop lifter rotation.... As I understand it, lifter rotation comes from the lifter's contact point with the cam being off of the center of the lifter axis.....can't think of anything else that causes it. How can a synthetic change the point of contact? And if it reduces the turning friction between lifter and lobe, it also reduces the drag trying to prevent rotation at the pushrod contact at the rocker and lifter.

Crane and Crower and Lunati don't want you to use synthetics 'during break-in'. Comp does not seem to care and says their break-in additive is compatible with synthetics. I have not personally had any issues with synthetics and have raced on them a lot with excellent results (in harsh endurance racing: rallying). But, I have never seen any real degree of wear reduction on cams/lifters with synthetics similar to what is consistently found on rings/pistons/bores and on bearings/journals.