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I was totally set to paint my wagon black and then someone mentioned that it might look like a hearse. personally I think it would take a mighty low I.Q.ed person to think that but now I am back into the color charts trying to find a new color :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Sorry, if I'm causing trouble. #-o

I've had a dark blue wagon since approx 1993. First 2 were Taurus wagons. I don't think I got the hearse comment on the second gen taurus with bubbly look, rounded windows. It was also a slightly brighter blue. I know I heard it when I got the first, older style 1989. I have also heard it several times on the Magnum. Not like it's frequent, but just thought I would put it out there. Its one thing to hear that about a factory car. I think I'd take it a bit different if I had done a lot of work to a car and painted it myself.