Father-Son 1974 Duster Project

Just a heads up for when you bolt the flex plate to the converter......it will only line up correctly, one way. Meaning, you can get 3 bolts in....and when you spin it to the 4th bolt, the holes in the flex plate and converter will be slightly off. If that happens, just take the other 3 bolts back out and rotate the converter one hole, and try again. If your luck is like mine was when I learned that lesson......you'll get it lined up on the 4th try, lol! Since I had to go thru that the first time as a teenager, I now line the flex plate up to the converter correctly before I bolt the flex plate to the engine, and mark both with a shot of paint or with a Sharpie marker. When I use a Sharpie, I always draw an arrow on the converter pointing towards the lug, and write 'HERE DUMMY' on it, and then mark an X on the flex plate. Good luck. O:)