15 inches of vac at idle

There is 4 clyinders with less than 140 PSI which is what the Motors Manual says is correct for a 69 340. And yea the power brakes really suck advancing the timming past 10 degrees does increase vac to 16 inches. but with a 4 row classic ind. radiator with 15 psi cap and a jag fan clutch it does get hot on 90 degree days and yes I am running a correct fan shroud. was going back to direct drive fan but thought a good idea to check vac and do a comp test for anything that stood out.

If you advance the initial, you need to limit the mechanical in the distributor. It will run better, performance wise anyway.

Mine is set @ 16* initial, with the dizzy limited to 16* for a total of 32*. No issues at all.