My oil burning pig. Pics too!

I've run quite a few motors in my day and all of them have just had a breather on each valve cover. I just don't grasp how the PCV system can do more...

The PCV system is a good one. But if your breathers open the crankcase to atmosphere preventing a pressure buildup (no one way valves, etc.), it may do little to curb your oil burning IMO. That is, there is no internal pressure to drive extra oil thru the valve seals, leaking intake gasket, etc. other than already wants to happen via existing leak paths and intake port vacuum.

The slightly negative pressure provided by the PCV might reduce oil consumption however by lowering crankcase pressure to the oil rather than allowing it the natural path (under atmospheric pressure) if you get what I mean.

I still believe you have something else going on. But no response so far to my questions. So I wish you luck.