Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wish I could :D but I don't have anything for my coffee Keith #-o
But I will have by 11 am :glasses7: becouse a trip to the goody store today will remedy that :D

Look what I found in the mail yesterday :glasses7::glasses7: I bet some of you can guess who sent this to me :toothy1:

Good morning! They don't sell Revel in South Carolina, boo! Another brand but I want the real thing. I'll look for it in GA next time I'm there.

Headed for the dentist, a corner of a molar broke off. Hoping it doesn't need a crown. This dentist is good but he always mentions how he and his buddies play golf at the resort where I work. The "Ocean Course" is one of the most expensive in the country. I'm glad he's successful, but I don't need to hear it every time when I'm shelling out a week's pay to see him!

Keep fingers crossed he can just bondo the tooth.

That stopper is cool, Mike!