Overheating issues with remanufactured 360

I'm not 100% sold on the idea that the fans aren't adequate. The shroud has 2 10" holes in the back with the high flow fans pulling air through the radiator and pushing it towards the engine, you can feel the air from them when the hood is up just standing on the side of the car. They are set to come on when the ignition is in the on position and they are insanely loud before the car is even started, they kick ***. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, I know a lot of you have experience and I'm not trying to say otherwise. I appreciate all the input.

I fear you dont know enough about fans. A fan only moves air. It doesnt suck air in/through the rad. And it wont pressurize air behind it,much.The atmosphere does most of the work.

If you block all air into a fan,or if you block all air from escaping out behind it, it will rev to its max rpm, making a ton of noise while moving little to no air.Take the fan off, place it face down on the workbench and power it up.Then pick it up. See what I mean?
By installing the fan in a tight space like you have, you are asking it to suck air through the condenser and through the rad and then to push.........
Now with the hood open the air may have a better escape route, but not so when the hood is down.
Like I said,bite the bullet.Please.

2 of 10 inch holes is 157 inches sq of exhaust area; thats about 10 x 16, or about 30% of the core opening. Even if you could somehow,miraculously,make it work at idle, I doubt it will work at speed. Even if there was no condenser in front of it, and even if there was adequate room to exhaust.Actually I'm pretty sure it wont work at speed..At least not for long

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