Magnum swap starts, does not run

I sure wish I "could know" more about these. Without documentation, and or local guys who are "into these" plus I'm getting old enough that I don't have unlimited energy, and certainly not money.

I would love to come up with a diagram you guys could use.

To put this another way where DID you get documentation, and do you have any that can be easily obtained online?

Your engine sound is difficult to diagnose on a video. It almost sounds more like a tuning problem rather than electrical / fuel problem, but you mentioned the injectors were in bad shape, so when you start adding could be tough.

You can buy little testers for the injector electrics, "noids" and you might want to rig some sort of spark tester. This can be many things. A very small test gap in series with the coil wire, or even a timing light on the coil wire. If you can find some NE2 neon lamps (wire leads) you can just wrap one lead around the plug / coil wires a few ties to act as 'coupling' and ground the other wire Many ways to test spark.

I would also find a diagram to the CPU/ ECU and do a wire-by wire tally and see if you've missed something that seems important.