66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

The vibrating points regulator was a cheap solution to a problem. The gages deflect slowly so the open close to drop 12v to 5 wont make the needles bounce or vibrate. You have to remember in 1966 semiconductors were expensive. Now an NTE960 semiconductor can take up to 35V input, and produce a constant smooth 5V output, and do this for about $1.00 wow how times have changed.

It wasn't just cheap. It was genious!

I think my regulator is ok, the PO didn't mention anything about meter problems (apart from the non-existing temp gauge).

But yeah, things have changed. My dad was an exchange student in Philadelphia when he attended university around 1965-66. That's when the ยต741 first came out. I sometimes compare the 741 you can buy today with modern OP-amps. It's nerdy but fun.