Member DRIVE48 injured Prayers Please...

I can not believe this is my 1st post since joining in 2014. My father was injured pretty bad Thursday night at work. I am posting because I know he feels a responsibility to inform those in his abodies family he has loves very much. From what i was told, a hydraulic cylinder a coworker was working on broke free from the hoist and pinned him. He suffered broken ribs, among other injuries. I've been with him since Thursday and one of the 1st things he says to me is to check his emails. He is always worried about his extended family here. I haven't had time to check his email or phone messages or get his login info from him for here. For all those that are waiting for a response, please give me time and I will get answers. I want to thank the local forum friends for the prayers and those that may or may not had dealings with him.Please be patient with him while he recoups.
Please leave me a message if there is anything I can answer, or get answered while he is healing.
Bless you all. Jess :prayer:

Wow I'm sorry to hear about this! I just send him those Chevy truck rocker panels and I was wondering whether he got them on or not. Now I know why I haven't heard from him. Please tell Joe that he is in my prayers. Take care and I hope he makes a quick recovery