Wheel bearing noise

I cannot say I agree. I have seen many cases where rear bearings change noise level with a lateral load imposed when cornering.

I totally agree that it happens Rob, but it's kinda few and far between and almost always tapered rollers.

A rear bearing may become quieter under braking because the weight is being transferred to the front (not because of any change in the load path for supporting the weight). Can't fully agree on the diagnosis presented; I have had 2-3 rear wheel bearings noisier when cornering. But they also tend to be noisy to some degree running on the level.

Try it some time if you ever get a chance.
The drum brake helps center the axle and the noisy bearing gets quieter.
(This is a diagnostic trick as old as the hills)
It has zero to do with weight transfer.

I didn't have 98% ASE drivetrain and ATRA diagnostic scores for nothing. :D
The problem is that as I get older it's slowly going away.:protest: