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We used to keep them in the car. But only had one set.

I must have taken them to get copied, as there was one extra ign key and 4 spare trunk keys. They obviously ran out of ignition keys when I went to get them copied...

I will get some more copies of the ign/door key now...

We originally thought that someone put them in the trunk, and someone else closed the trunk... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :violent1: :violent1: :violent1:

seems like wally world doesn't stock the key blanks for the mopar ignition anymore ....every time I try to make copies, they want to use a stupid GM style key blank.

I don't like that even though my dad laughs at me and says it doesn't matter what the key looks like as long as it works.......then I get quiet because I wont argue but YES IT DOES MATTER. I don't want a key that looks like poo poo even if it does work .....I WANT IT DONE RIGHT!!! lol