Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have to be mechanic today. The alternator is toast in my tool truck. I drove all day yesterday without it working and it was smelly by the time I got home. It's not too bad to get to and one of the local parts stores has them in stock. I also need to adjust my parking brake and replace a near broken exhaust hanger. I also got in some gas tank straps for my son's Dakota that I can put on this afternoon. Dang, I better get busy. I have a lot to do! LOL
Have a good Friday.

Dang, I was working on vehicles all day (I am beat). I replaced the alternator on my tool truck as well as a idler pulley and a ball valve heater hose shut off. Things were going so well I texted my son and had him drop off his rusty 2000 Dakota that had a broken fuel tank strap. Well 6 hours later and fighting it every step of the way, I finally got it bolted together. You really need to remove the tank to install the straps. Tough to do on the driveway with a floor jack. Long story short, the rear strap I had to tweak to get it installed and I must have poked a hole in the plastic tank. Leaks. Sucks. I'll have a friends shop fix this one. My new motto: Make the call............write the check! lOL