Pit bull....
Thanks everyone for your comments...I will respond to a few of them when I get a chance.
I will be in touch with our insurance agent. As afar as keeping it in the yard...our 5 acres are fenced with locked gates. Our county pretty much has no dog ordinances. We have no animal control in any way. Spoke to the Sheriffs about this, was told to deal with any problem dog accordingly, whatever that means.
We will be keeping an eye on the few local shelters. I am also "friends" with a woman on FB that lives on the coast that runs a "Pit" rescue organization.
While I would love to "adopt" a dog we both want a puppy. For one, we do have the 2 young Redbones. They are both very high energy. Would be skeptical of bringing an older dog into the house. Especially one that we have no idea of what kind of environment it came from.
This all may be for nothing. I got a text from the breeder of our girls, he has pups. I spoke with a woman today who was going to ask some her friends in a neighborhood not to far from us. Heard rumors that there is a woman that breeds Blueticks....a breed I would really like to own.
Again, thanks for all your input....