Pit bull....
Hey Bryan, I really meant it when I said "no offense to people that own these dogs" and I certainly did not intend it offend. Also, no evidence?? The local paper here carried the story about the death of the child by means of a pit bull that went psycho.
"Any dog can act like a dog" < I don't really know what you're trying to say here. Yes, all dogs are canine; but a poodle, as far as I know, has never mauled a child and shook its lifeless body so violently that it's splattering blood all across the room.
If you are of the belief that a pit is no more of a risk than any other breed of dog, you're crazy. I hated to get rid of mine at the time, I was very attached to her. But I could simply not live with the fact that something generally goes wrong occasionally, and people, usually kids, are severely injured or killed. By a pit bull. That is exactly why:
In 2013, Farmers Insurance notified policy holders in California that "it will no longer cover bites by pit bulls, rottweilers and wolf hybrids. A spokeswoman for Farmers said those breeds account for more than a quarter of the agency's dog bite claims."
I know you are going to stand by your decision, and your right, to have pit bulls as your pets, and we are likely never going to agree on how we feel about the breed. Yes, they are dogs, but much different than most breeds.