66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

So true, Ulf.

Well, I spent most of the weekend not resting but plumbing. We got a new water line and sewage drain (?) installed a couple of years ago and I never got around to cutting the 40 mm hose down to length and buriyng it in the floor. That finally happened on saturday. As well as ripping out some of the unnecessary piping from the old pump we used when we were still using our own well.

Turned into a solid gym session so I'm kind of sore. Oh, and when we came hoome on sunday afternoon I decided to use what was left of the beautiful afternoon to change out the brakes on our new(er) Audi. Did the front before sunset and the rear today.

So now our primary driver has new rotors and pads all around. Feels great.

I'm having a lot of fantasies about using the brakes from a 5-series BMW on my Dart. They are truly amazing brakes and it must be possible to make it work.

Right now, I'm going to the neighbouring city on Alingsås to see if I can find a master cylinder that goes with my brake booster. And perhaps a front sway bar I can adapt to fit my '66.