Pit bull....

"Pit Bulls" are more likely to be abused or mistreated than any other breed of dog. That fact alone explains why more attacks are attributed to pit bulls. Their popularity among criminals and low life's has continued to rise, and as a direct result so have the incidents of attacks. In most (not all) cases, the real fault belongs to the owner of the dog. With proper training and care they are no more dangerous than any other kind of dog.

In the 50s/60s, "Police Dogs" (aka German Shepherd Dogs) had the bad rep, then Dobies got popular with the wrong sorts and became the 'dangerous' breed in the 70s/80s - Rotties came next in the 90s, and it's been Pits ever since.

In my observation, whatever breed gets popular with the 'tough guys' (bikers, gangs, whatever) ends up with the bad rep, mostly due to irresponsible people (breeding for traits other than temperament, mistreatment, training for aggression, etc.)

We've had one or more of all of these types (all but one rescues, all neutered, all great dogs).