66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

Of course it helps!

I suspected I would need to get the lower control arm out. But first I will need to release some tension in the torsion bar, no?

Oh well, there's got to be an instructive video on Youtube somewhere.

I really would like to get my hands on lower control arms for sway bar since I'm planning on installing one. Or two. :)

Is it a good idea to change to large ball joint upper control arms? Or will I run into spare parts problems?

Loosen the torsion bar adjuster bolts all the way in the LCAs with car supported on jackstands. Squeeze in both wire ends of the torsion bar retainer clips that are all the way at the back of the torsion bars in the crossmember and remove the clips.

Remove the forward nuts that hold the LCAs into the K frame at the pivot point. Put a block of wood against the front of the LCA and smack the block of wood with a large mallet driving the arm straight back. The LCA should slide back along with the torsion bar. Doing it this way you wont need a torsion bar removal tool.

Additionally when rebuilding your LCAs and pressing in new rubber do not tighten the pivot nut all the way snug when putting the arms back in until the car is level on the ground fully reassembled. Reason is that the rubber bushings have only so much up and down deflection. Tightening the LCA pivot nuts all the way after the car is assembled and at its full ride weight allows the bushings to be positioned in a neutral position (no twist) allowing the full amount of up and down twisting deflection in the rubber.

A rookie move is to install the arms and fully tighten these nuts without knowing what position the arm needs to be in, then the rubber bushing ends up being preloaded or twisted. One good bump, or solid up and down and the vulcanized rubber bushing will rip from the outer and inner shells.

Additionally jacking the car in the front should be done supporting the LCAs and not letting the suspension hang as that overstresses the LCA bushings with exessive twist.

A solution is the polyurethane inserts made by firm feel with new LCA attach pivot pins with built in grease fittings then you dont have to worry about stock LCA bushings and their limitations.

Hope this helps