T-56 Transmission Install Thread
Okay, stuck the boroscope in there again just now and took and look and something seems odd. Previously, there was a gap between the fingers and the bearing at rest that showed up as free play in the pedal. I bled the crap out of the thing last night and took the whole master apart and cleaned it out to make sure there wasn't something funny up there. Looking in the bellhousing again it appears there is still a gap between the fingers and the pressure plate, so I'm thinking that means I need an even thicker spacer. I'm guessing at least another 1/4" to take up the free play and gap that is still there. What bugs me is it looks like this gap is about the same as it was before I put the first spacer in, so it just doesn't sit right with me. Does 3/4" sound weird? 72BB, I think you had a dual disk clutch setup right? Is the thickness on that significantly different than a single disk?