Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow, today started slow, then I got busier than a one armed wall paper hanger.... :glasses2:

Just getting back to the bedroom and settling down before going to sleep. :sleepy1:

Tree guys showed up from the village to clear the three dead trees in front along the street this morning... :axe:

I went for a short walk through the woods and took some pictures of the stream and leaves starting to change colors... :color:

Neighbor and I had a few words. Let's not get into details... :violent1:

Then I ran some errands and came home, the oldest kid wanted to take a break from degreeing the cams and start dropping the engine in the 71 Valiant more door... :-k

I just ate my dinner ---> cold cut sandwich because I don't feel like cooking.... ( I made a Dagwood)... :D

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Your tap and die set is like the light saber of a Jedi... Your skills improve with experience, and once you become a master things go together with less problems...

This kit goes to 1/2" and I have individual ones going up to 3/4"... (Argh, argh, argh... ---> Tim Allen grunt)

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