
I would think if farmers were paid fair for their products this would not happen. If you look at todays grain prices alone it is close to cost to raise equals price at sale. Something has to happen or more farmers will go out of business. They cant keep breaking even and stay in business.

having been in the ag field for 5 decades I have to fully agree. basically what keeps the farmer in business is, to keep getting larger, that is, ground and equipment, ie more efficient. but they have really no control over input costs nor commodity prices. pretty much have to take what they get. yes there are tools, as futres, storage, etc, but really, they have very little control on making a fair profit. farmers are the eternal optimist. they figure next year will provide better crops, and prices. it is a way of life, and most would not trade it for anything. easy ?? NO.
as with most things, the farmer falls into the category of the " little guy". no mater how many acres he works. the people that make majority of the profit on ag is NOT the farmer. its every middleman and speculator.
for one thong, just look at the size of your typical whatever at the grocery store. smaller bag and then higher price! ha does that give any hints?
the overweight problem in this country probably traces back to : overeating, lack of real exercise, poor eating schedules, too many families that mom takes the easy way, and stops at the fast food joint on the way home.......etc
if a family wants to stay clear of these "antibiotics and steroids in our food" they will need to buy grass beef ( read tough), raise their own pouitry, maybe eat more veggies and less meat! ha IMO