Pro Touring 10K

Spent my night reading all the ups and downs you have been thru. I laughed when I got to the 2 year time frame as I think I remember in one of your early posts you said you didnt want this to be a 2 year build. Time passes so quick and things get in the way. I enjoyed reading everything and wish I had the equipment and skills that you have. I wish you luck in your journey to completion. Lastly I was wondering how you are doing with your 10K budget. I know in my build I have spent way over any budget I set. Its just to hard to stop from spending when you want it done right.
Best of luck to the finish. I will be following along from here out!

Well, believe it or not. I'm still under that number.If had to pay for my own shop rate we would be well north of that right now. doing everything myself is a big advantage. plus i have access to parts at a whole sale price through my shop. that helps as well. I will admit the project has got out of hand. What started as simple build. A budget build if you will. It has taken a turn for the worst. Way to many ideas floating around in my head. The car has become a representation of me and my shop. So it must speak for our abilities.