
I think this is gonna be a rant...Sorry. While there are many good points related to the farming and the way families worked side by side, the new world doesn't have as many farms. That being said, I worked outside the house. When I came home I built my deck, changed my windows, did my own yard work,shoveled the driveway....etc etc etc... My kids as part of the family were required to help. As they got older some of those tasks became theirs. They have chores which get done when they're needed done, not when they feel like it. My children were not coddled, they were encouraged to get jobs early. They were expected to keep up with their school work and helping at home. I think too many people shelter their children "oh let them be kids", "we have to understand them and respect their feelings","school work and peer pressure is hard enough on kids"...blah blah blah. They need to be taught, shown, told what is needed to prepare them for the real world....JMO