Thanks Karl, I had no idea a squirrel would take down a snake, those were fun to watch!
I'm pretty sure the snakes I saw are common harmless "yard" snakes. I've had time to think about it, and as long as I don't leave doors open and I look where I'm stepping, I'm not going to worry. I just got a little creeped out today thinking that snake might have been able to come in while I was dozing on the couch. These were the first two I've ever even seen since I moved here. "Just passing through" maybe.
I checked online and they say the snake repellent granules are a waste of money. I got some good laughs reading people's reviews of those products, the elaborate detail they went into, talking about their snake troubles.
The squirrels here down south...I've never seen them fight a snake. More often you'll see a squirrel's guts on the sidewalk where it was killed by a cat. Maybe southern squirrels are like me, afraid of snakes.