Pro stock aj hanging it up?

I think the crew loss was minimal for AJ, the greatest factor was not having a second team car to collect data. Not having the data caused Roy to take longer in adjusting to the new fuel in addition to making it harder on the setup calls. Even now they have only ran well when their setup was perfect, the just don't have the HP out the back end this year.

From what I read, Roy's motors and KB(and likely V) will be the most effected by the new 10.5 rule as they both spun them 11.5 to 12, that may have something to do with it in that Roy may not be up for the task any longer to start over on a new combo. I believe Elite and Chris McGaha are already running alot closer to 10.5 shifts and will have less adapting. (tho Chris is talking about perhaps going back part time due to business being slow at their machine shop) Not sure about Grey Motorsports, and all the lesser teams will be more than happy to not have to wind them so high. (though in time they will find ways to wreck just as many motors, just the way it is, but those lesser funded can fill the bottom half of the ladder with less funding)

Just my .02 worth. Hopefully the class will both survive and thrive, Time will tell soon enough I guess.