Windows 10

I just checked and it does indeed stand for Evolution, BUT when it was rolling out it stood for Enterprise. Must not liked how it sounded. It could have been slang in the industry tho. The phone company LOVES acronyms. Either way, it spells the end of the internet we all know and love. Or hate. END of hacking, they say.

I don't believe they will ever be able to rid the internet of hackers. Heck the NSA,CIA, FBI, and DIA are supposed to have the best hackers in the world yet they can't even protect their own websites. Coming from AT&T though I am sure you know about Weev and the email "hacks".

In my opinion there are tons of bad hackers that want nothing more than personal gain. Then you have hacktivist which personally I think do a lot of good and a lot of bad. They perform the service of keeping these agencies in check every once in a while by showing how easily they can get in.

Anyways back on topic, stay away away from windows 10. I know that nothing involving the internet is private unless run through proxies but why take the chance with windows ten and why help it gain popularity.