Frickin fiat!!!

Reminds me my wife's 2014 Dart is starting to act up, she told me a couple of days ago it was running like there was water in the gas.
Maybe I should take it for a drive, at least it only has 8k miles on it so its under warranty.

That's how hers was acting and where she gets her gas it's surely possible. One weird thing, it stalled on BOTH of us making a fairly hard left turn, I'd say is coincidence but I've seen some weird things. A couple of months ago my high mileage work Suburban would light up lights after a left turn, turns out the wheel bearings were worn and the ABS sensor "lost communication" with the mother ship so to speak, and lit up a bunch of stabiltrack etc. lights. Changed wheel bearings (ring and pinion too) and no more problems. Just never know.