Recommend cold crank amps?

CCA per CI is what I was told in the past. The past being before all the added demand on electrical system with AC, stereos, pw/pl and so on. My 71 with a 318 got a 640 CCA one, forgot what brand. Was a 5 year battery, bought in late 70's, never needed another one as car was totaled in 89. I would say I got my money out of it. Then I had an 86 Olds Ciera with 4 cyl and extra electrical. Part store tried to sell me an $80 one, high CCA cause of electric demand. Told them what I wanted, and the place wouldn't warranty it. I told them big deal, just give me the battery I asked for. Saved $40. Thing lasted for years.

This is an excellent point and one no one else really brought up until now. If the car is going to remain pretty much "4 wheels and a motor" then I think the one CCA per CID is still a good rule.

However, if you are going to add all kinds of power accessories, like windows, door locks, big sound and other stuff, then the bigger the better is probably best.