Proportioning valve / rear brake problems

... With the proportioning valve set so that the fronts get the most juice ...
Makes me wonder a bit. Post a photo. An adjustable proportioning valve has a single inlet and outlet and is plumbed only in the rear tubing. If your front tubes go to it, it is a "combination valve" and much more complicated. The proportioning valve decreases pressure to the rears, so no way you could adjust it other than your statement. Regardless, both rear wheel cylinders should see the same pressure, so the left locking up and not the right is likely one of the stated hypothesis (gunk on shoes, wrong shoe assembly, adjustment, ...).

I understand that the only people who require a residual valve today are hot rodders who install the MC below the floor. Otherwise, the "new design" wheel cylinders (meaning ~1970+ or so) have cups on the spring ends (or tight coils) that keep the rubber seals tight. But, doesn't hurt to use one if you plumb it correctly (usually right at MC port).