Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had some 8 tracks this summer ...old ones.

curiosity got me so I took one apart and its just one long tape .....probably the freakiest thing I have ever seen. I fiddled with for like 2 hours and couldn't get it back together. I sent the others to a fabo member.

pretty different.

The "burden" to listening to 8 track tapes was they only had 4 "programs/sections/channels" that you could go to only. Then you had to listen for the rest of it to play to get to the song that you wanted.... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

You couldn't just go from song to song.... :violent1: :violent1: :violent1:

Early cassette decks only had two sides to play, and you couldn't jump from song to song...

But the advanced cassette decks could "scan" a tape and go to the next "break"... It would look for a 2-3 second pause (Like between songs on albums), then it would stop at the pause and play. This made it possible to jump from song to song on cassette...

But it would sometimes get "fooled" by a pause or slow spot in the song.... :banghead: