4 speed ka-booom !

Yeah that is correct. At room temperature, petroleum jelly will not hold the needles in place long enough to finish assembly.
-And I hate it when the needles fall out just as the cluster pin slides by, and they pile up at the front washer, and then I get to start all over. I just hate that.
-Plus the jelly won't hold the Thrust washers in place, letting them end up in irretrievable places, and I get yto start all over. Again.
-Plus when the M/S enters the M/D, and if it's a tad off center and snags a roller, you guessed it, you get to start all over.Problem is you might not catch that, as the sub-assembly is getting pretty heavy by now, and your arm is screaming to just let it go. Like I said, there's room in the front of the M/D for at least 3 out-of-place rollers.
- Yeah so heave that runny gunk!
I thought that's what the countershaft tool was for? to hold the bearings inside the cluster gears till you pushed it out with the pin? Can I put the petroleum jelly all over everything and the gear oil will dissolve it quickly?