73-76 sliding calipers not sliding?

TB, you know I like you, and you know I like my anti-seize, but I cannot imagine what anti-seize would do if allowed to get into a brakepad, so for me, Ima gonna keep on putting those calipers on, dry. Besides, between heat,dirt and rainwater, I also cannot imagine the stuff staying on that long.

I don't put anything on them either, but that's mostly because it gets driven every day and new brakes twice a year.
Grease and antiseize both collect dust and can cause the caliper to bind up solid because of it.
If it sat for lengths of time I would use a light coat of grease like Lithium or something along that nature.
(just enough to "wet" the slide surfaces only and no more.)

So we're ok and I didn't disappoint you then after all right? :D

Can the retainers be bent up to relieve pressure?

I wouldn't because that's what holds the entire caliper in it's bracket.
You could probably get away with it if you really needed or wanted for some odd reason, but they work fine the way they are.