What kind of oil filter do you guys use?
It really doesn't matter. Is this for your hobby car? What kind of mileage are you going to run before changing the oil? Do you want to run multiple oil changes on 1 filter? Most likely you will change the oil because of time not mileage and you will change to filter with the oil. If you do that any filter will perform the same. These premium filters are designed to go multiple oil changes, like 15,000 miles plus, even 30,000! Take the supposedly "crap" Fram (which it's always some 4th hand account of somebody's 2nd cousin that had one cause their motor to fail), the basic holds 8 grams of dirt, the Tough Guard holds 10-12 grams, and the synthetic Ulta holds 26 grams. All of them like air filters actually filter better the dirtier they get to the point the will bypass (which an air filter can't do so it just becomes a big restriction). I would bet any plugged up basic Fram came from a backwoods, dirt road, car with 30,000 miles on the oil, the air filter, and the oil filter.
Here is at least a study with some testing rather then just cutting them open and taking pictures