Break In Disaster????????

I pulled the valve cover and it sure looks like it has a lot of oilat the back corner. I turned it on and it was just pouring from the 4th bolt that holds the rocker arms on, it really doesn't look right to me. It is tightened to specs and the rockers are banana grooves with the drivers side notch down to the front of the engine and passenger side notch down to the back. Is it normal for that be be flooding oil from there? I understand that is how they oil but this seems excessive!!

Not normal! I think your heads are on backwards.....Heehee.
Take that spacer off and have a real good look at it. I assume the bolt is correct and the spacers are correctly located. If so, and the spacer is good, then the shaft must be bad. This really should have been caught during the prelube......You are kinda lucky to have had to remove the cover.
I know how to turn on a motor and a lotta other things, but not how to turn on an engine! I assume you started it up?