Break In Disaster????????

Does not matter which side the heads are on..... oil goes through the rocker pedestals the same way. You can only block the oil hole from the head if you flip some gaskets over. Not the problem here at least on that side! The rockers will get mildly pressurized so a leak can come from anywhere along the shaft. BTW, are you sure it is around the #4 bolt head, or maybe its from the adjacent rocker around a worn shaft area or rocker?

Someone here reported getting a new oil pump with the relief spring plug installed backwards and he had something 150 psi at start up! Some of these things fall into the category of 'not good until actually proven good'. I'd get that oil pressure gauge on there pronto; just hook it up in the engine compartment as a check. I lost a bottom end in an unexpected way when I did not hook up a gauge; it ran 200 miles fine, but seized the crank on the first long uphill 2 minute run due to high oil pressure putting most of the oil in the head.