Break In Disaster????????

Well I learned a lotta things from my dad, but one thing he used to say that ticked me off every time I heard it; "not necessarily".
So what's that got to do with anything? Well let's suppose for a sec that a previous builder crushed those pipes. Now lets suppose (not Jake here) a newbe comes along an unbolts them and takes 'em over to the parts washer, for a bath. I seen a few guys do just that; wash them fully assembled cuz they don't want to mix 'em up. Then a blowdry and off they go to the ready shelf. When assembly time comes,on they go, Now if they had been crushed, you might never have known it . Except that if it applies here,Jake here caught it, kinda by accident.
I'm not saying they're crushed, just that a couple of minutes with a mike would rule it out. And you just advised him to remove them for inspection( which is a good thing), so a quick miking would rule it out.
Oh how I came to hate "not necessarily". Now that he's gone, and I'm going soon, I remember those words fondly.