reckless driving advice wanted

ok i wanna preface all of this by saying something that everyone should go by, if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all, so if you want to harass someone or judge them this isn't the post for you. now i'll go on to my story. on Thursday i was driving on highway 14 east in Washington on my way home from school. on my way home i was in the left of two lanes this '86 - '91 blue ford Taurus is merging on and cuts in front of me from the on ramp. then he immanently slams on his brakes so hard that his font end compresses all the way and his rear end pops up. at this point i dont trust him to not do this again, so to avoid him doing that again and possibly causing a a fatal car accident so i go to pass him. when i get in front of him i have to slow down because i had to speed up to pass the blue ford Taurus and there was a minivan going slower in front of me now(the minivan was going 60-65 and i had to speed up to around 70 to pass him also i think it was a newer dodge caravan lol XD), but the gut that was in the blue ford Taurus didnt slow down and rear ended me. i instinctual went to the left shoulder and the blue Taurus stopped behind me. when the traffic cleared i went to go to the right shoulder because on the left shoulder there is only 1/2 a land but there's a full lane width on the right shoulder, but when i was going to the right shoulder the blue ford Taurus side swiped me then he stopped on the right shoulder and i stopped behind him. we both got out of out cars and he started boasting about how i'm not going to get any money from him because he has no insurance and harassing me. i immediately called the police and about 40-50 minutes late a Washington state patrol car came out. he took both our statements and my paper work and went back to his car. about 10 to 20 minutes later he came out,started saying that he could take us both to jail and gave me a exchange of information forum and a summons for reckless driving and he gave the owner of the blue ford Taurus a exchange of information forum, a reckless driving citation, and a driving without insurance ticket. then he let the blue ford Taurus drive away and then i left.

now im not sure of this whole situation and cops around here are know for taking advantage of younger drivers(i'm only 20) and threatening them with massive tickets and jail time.

the main things that get me about this are
1. the other driver was knowingly breaking the law by driving without insurance
2. the police officer didnt see any of the accident at all
3. the police officer let the other driver drive away when law says the police officers supposed to impound the car, but he knowingly let the other driver off while the other driver was breaking the law
4. the other driver hit me
5. i was completely legal unlike the other driver

could anyone give me some advice or their experience if you've gone though this.i am in contact with my lawyer, but it'd be nice to just to get some advice or someones experience because i'v been having the worst week of my life so far and im starting to feel like sgt. pyle towards the end of his run in full metal jacket.