Piston recommendation

I hear ya....

Na, there's reason but IMO snarky he wasn't, just sayin like it is. We all try to help. The been there done that is most helpful. Those just mentioning parts is fine but without experience it does leave a bit of room to be desired and questioned of the parts actual worth or performance for the application though I'm sure all listed would be fine.

But, backing up a tad. In a way, there's nothing like being ignored or doubted since we'd not pro builders. "***" pro builder here does many engines per year. Great! Super!

I've done 5 engines my whole life. (30 years playing with cars, engines, racing, etc...)
Swapped out more parts than a speed shop carries for MoPars and learned the hard way before there was an internet. This how you end up with over a dozen intakes, cams, 5 sets of heads, buckets full of valves and (LMAO) "Extra bolts."

And for some, this time span is inferior knowledge.
Hence the "Chopped Liver."

While you're certainly entitled to your opinion, that was pretty much the definition of snarky, as the two cents were already added. I'm not sure how anyone could say I doubted what he said before or even replied directly to what he said.

I meant that as I would have never known about RaceTec if it wasn't for the pro builder, and they were extremely reasonably priced (I was actually shocked at how low the price was for exactly what I was looking for). Unless the price has changed a lot, they will be less expensive than what Icons or Diamonds costs. You never know there might be something that's a better deal now.

In any case, I'm here to help people, so if you don't want to listen to my advice, feel free to ignore me.