Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

some people huh~? Sucks, but what can you really do - someone else will surely buy his parts if you don't (no matter what you say or post about him) - make him a counter offer - you were first up - see if he is reasonable..

I am a reasonable person, and I told him that if $160 didn't work to make me an offer that he felt was somewhere in the middle and fair to both parties. Instead I get put on trial in the public forum.

I'm just trying to make some money to fix up my car. Going back on an agreement is never ideal, but if it's not fair to both parties, it's not a very good deal. If he knew the value of the part when I made the offer, I could take the position that he was trying to take advantage of my ignorance and not knowing the value. I don't see the need to get pissy about it and cry foul to everyone before the situation is even resolved.