Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

Going back on an agreement is never ideal, but if it's not fair to both parties, it's not a very good deal. If he knew the value of the part when I made the offer, I could take the position that he was trying to take advantage of my ignorance and not knowing the value. I don't see the need to get pissy about it and cry foul to everyone before the situation is even resolved.

Taking advantage of you? Really?

He saw a part at a great price and pursued it. How is that taking advantage of you when YOU set the advertised price??? :???:

If there is a wrench for sale at Ace Hardware and Sears, and Sears has a lower price, do you go to Sears and give them the higher price that Ace Hardware is asking??? :angel12:

Does Sears say, "It's more expensive at Ace Hardware, so we're going to have to charge you the higher price..." ??? :evil3:

As stated before, integrity goes a long way and defines a person. If you don't want to have integrity, that's your choice. Keep in mind that some people won't deal with people without integrity... :protest:

I would take the hit and honor the advertised price (I've done it myself), then do some research before posting more parts for sale, lesson learned.... :banghead:

But that's me, I treat people the same way that I want them to treat me.... :prayer:

If you want to throw away your integrity for less than $100, that's your call.... :violent1: