Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

Per Mike's request I'm going to stop responding to the insults in here, after I just say that you don't know me, don't know the details of the deal, and have no right to say any of what you just said. This is not your argument and you should stay out of it.

I maintain that a person should be able to make a mistake about a price and correct that mistake.

Taking advantage of you? Really?

He saw a part at a great price and pursued it. How is that taking advantage of you when YOU set the advertised price??? :???:

If there is a wrench for sale at Ace Hardware and Sears, and Sears has a lower price, do you go to Sears and give them the higher price that Ace Hardware is asking??? :angel12:

Does Sears say, "It's more expensive at Ace Hardware, so we're going to have to charge you the higher price..." ??? :evil3:

As stated before, integrity goes a long way and defines a person. If you don't want to have integrity, that's your choice. Keep in mind that some people won't deal with people without integrity... :protest:

I would take the hit and honor the advertised price, then do some research before posting more parts for sale, lesson learned.... :banghead:

But that's me, I treat people the same way that I want them to treat me.... :prayer:

If you want to throw away your integrity for less than $100, that's your call.... :violent1: