Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

Yeah, it would have been a good deal for me. Would I have paid more if the price was set higher to begin with, yeah. Would I ever pay over $120 for a shroud...probably not. I'm not in dire need of one and as such, I'll continue to keep looking for a good deal...if that take years, so be it.

In case anyone is wondering, I left the other person's name out of my original post for a reason, it was not a personal attack. His parts posting doesn't even mention a shroud, I had sent him a PM and inquired about it. I purposely left his name and link to his post out of this and was..."Just curious what others think....and mainly just needing to vent." Yes, my initial thoughts were to post my complaint in his ad but, I choose not to. I did not want it to be personal. After all a forum is a forum...isn't it? Was it wrong to ask for opinions?

Sorry if I've offended anyone. Again, I did not intentionally make this personal. Thanks to everyone who offered their opinions, favoring either my way of thinking or the seller's. Sometimes we all just need to vent and get different perspectives.

Now...back to your normally scheduled programming...anyone have a shroud for sale? LOL!