I had two bad dealings on the net. But these were for alot more money.
I sold an Item on a site. I recieved a $2500.00 (cashiers check). I took it to my bank to cash it and they confirmed with the other bank it was good using the number on the check.
The only issue was that the check still would have taken 10 days to clear so I decided to drive to the bank the check was drawn on. When I got there they had me sign the check and took it. Several minutes later they came back and told me that everything on the check was good but the discription. The check title was (Cashiers Check) It should have been (Certified bank Check). I gave it to the Police.
number 2 was the best one
The second was for an Item I bought $2800.00 for a super charger for my Omni. I sent the money Paypal and never heard from him again, About a month went by and I decided to call every one with that last name I sent the money to in that town. I knew the time period to file with Paypal protection was running out. I got in touch with his father .
This is how it went
I asked if he knew the person I was looking for . He said it was his son. I told him I paid for a Super Charger and never recieved it. I was in luck! he was leaving to ship it for his son who was at work. I confirmed the address and it wasn't mine or my name. I quickly said , "I changed my address"
and he sent it to my address with the different name.
When his son in his 30's came home and found out his dad sent it to me he was very mad. The son called me and flipped out. He told me he had a higher offer and was going to send me a refund when the other persons Payment cleared. He was furious that I lied to his dad about who I was. He demanded I send it back. So I told him to refund my money. He wouldn't until he recieved the super charger back. So when the Super charger came to me. I filed for a refund as item not as described.
This proccess calls for the item to be shipped back. As soon as you provide tracking for the item of the same weight returned to the sellers address you get your money back in your account. Hope he likes what he got.
You should have heard this scammer on the phone when I got my money back and he still didn't get his item back yet. That is when I decided to turn the tables on him. Come to find out he sold it to another person for $3500.00 on that site. They still didn't get their money back.
The saying goes "He who laughs last laughs best".