Help me please tryin to beef up 318

Well now it's time for someone who knows how to 60ft to check in.
That would not be me, cuz I'm at 2.0 or so. Maybe this summer I'll do something. But I kinda like blowing away the tires . And I'm not crazy about spending a bunch on that aspect. Maybe Caltracs and Monos. I could probably do that. But my 3.55s would have to go.And with them my touring ability. Then I might want to stick in my A999. But then I'd be looking at a hi-stall. And bolt on my 325s....And round and round it goes.
See what I mean about stuff leading to other stuff.
I built my car to make ME smile. I could care less how fast it is, or isn't, or how quick it moves out, or what the guy in the next lane is spewing. Sometimes I feel like the bull in the glassware shop. I just love charging.