1969 Dodge Dart Custom Sedan Slant Six, Father-Son Project

Since it's close to time to put the engine back in the car, the time has come to add the fuel system that the EFI kit requires.

We've gotten pretty good at mocking up tube runs with a thick solid wire bent to shape, and then using the tubing bender to reproduce it. Man, the tools you end up accumulating when restoring a car. I'm going to need a bigger garage by the end of this.

The new electric fuel pump is mounted in the inboard part of the frame rail just forward of the axle, at about the same height as the bottom of the fuel tank. That's the closest place we could figure to install it. A new 3/8" line will feed the EFI, and we'll re-purpose the existing 5/16 line as the return line. We did need a new tank sending until that includes two outlets in those sizes (stock one just had a single, 5/16 outlet, of course).

The low-pressure filter goes between it and the tank. I attached the tubing with rubber-lined clamps and short stainless sheet-metal screws up through the floor pan, going so far as to dab the pre-drilled pilot holes with primer before sinking the screws in.

For routing the new feed line, we paralleled the existing line as much as possible, but had to make two exceptions, where we ended up drilling holes through frame members. Primered up those new holes and added rubber grommets to buffer the tube from chafing on the edge of the holes.