What wouldn't be an insulting offer?

All of that is way overpriced. I don't think you can make a reasonable offer without insulting him.

No, they are just over priced. You are buying cores. 750 dollars is not a core price.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I wouldn't buy anything for more than core price without at the very least pulling the heads.
WAY to much dishonesty out there let alone plain ignorance.

It sounds a little unreasonable at first, but anyone who is selling an older motor should realize that having at least the heads off is a good thing if they really want a good price for it.
Having the heads off don't make it worth less in my eyes.
If they won't go for that then at the very least a comp test before any money goes anywhere.

Don't we remember the recent post on the 400 with the block split open inside? :D
Wanna pay 750, or 6, or even 50 for that?