Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Legally I think the city is within their rights to "maintain appearance" if any car does not have tags, insurance or inspection.
My step daughter parked her car for a couple of weeks in my yard with a dead inspection sticker, I got a polite note from the city to have it inspected or it would be towed.
It was ok to sit in the yard as long as it was 100% legal to drive down the road, but a 2 week old inspection sticker constitutes it as a junk car in city limits.

From what I've heard it seems that you're correct about the city being within their rights. I have a hard time believing that they should have those rights though. In my case it doesn't matter if the cars are licensed and insured.

- I don't like someone basing laws on 'maintaining appearance'. I've spent a lot of time and money making my vehicles look nice. When someone else can decide that they don't think it looks good to have someone else's property have multiple vehicles on it, -that may be their opinion. But I don't believe those people should pass laws to force their opinions down someone else's throats.

What's next? They could choose to outlaw certain paint colors from a home's exterior or mandate what brand of vehicle you can own. I've heard of some neighborhood associations that have outlawed flying the American flag. To me that is outrageous. I haven't joined any house association and had been under the belief that I could do whatever I wanted to on my property as long as it didn't endanger anyone and wasn't some form of criminal activity.

The way they have changed the laws here now, there is no way someone could own a musclecar that isn't kept inside year round, - let alone juggle work on multiple vehicles. I don't see how that isn't an intrusion on the rights of the individual home owner.

I guarantee you that there are a number of wealthy people here that own expensive motorhomes and boats who will not be confronted.