spindle question

OH, eat a snickers bar huh? Good! Best to relax buddy. Good to see your getting there. ;)

Can't say I had a day like that yor having, though I'm sure we all have a bear of a cross to carry or handle from time to time. Takeit light brother!

hah hah I need a whole case of Snickers Bars today! The other Big issue is I can't drive an Early A-Body for another few weeks!!!!

So I don't want my outrage to steal this thread so I do have a question on the Wilwood....

So 10inch drum spindle, does the Wilwood bolt right on or is there any cutting or grinding? I did hear on BBST(?) system there are some holes that get drilled on the spindle.. I only ask because I am looking at a wagon that I would put the spindle on and make the swap and do a dual circuit master..... I also heard 15 inch rims only