Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Happy Thanksgiving too you and the family John!
I like many of your ideas on the pinball idea. Anyway to make the them interchangeable? Now that would be a tall order.

Thanks ariffle. - I hope you had a better turkey day than I did.

The last several days spent outside moving things took it's toll. I spent Thursday in the dark by myself struggling to breathe while my head throbbed. Teresa went to one of her kid's places to help them clean. My fever wasn't real high (101') but the left side of my face and my throat swelled up. I managed to eat some chicken noodle soup but had one heck of a time swallowing it.

The pain was off the chart. I had thought about going to Des Moines to visit my sons but besides being sick, we had an ice storm and the roads really sucked. It took me an hour this morning to clear all the ice off of the truck so that I could go see a doctor. The trailer was still connected and iced up solid.

I got a little spooked last night. When I looked in the mirror I could see a facial droop. It was probably caused by the swelling & pain. Moving my head/tongue/mouth is so painful that it takes a lot of effort to get my facial muscles to respond. My speech is slurred but I can force myself to annunciate more clearly if I ignore the pain.

I'm on a combination of antibiotics & Vicodin now. So far today I haven't been able to take down liquids without them going down the wrong tube. The best I've done is wet my tongue and force a painful swallow.

- Not sure how long this is going to last. I'm scheduled to have the rest of my teeth pulled on December 7th. If I had to combine this pain with that I think it'd either kill me or make me wish I was dead.

It's a good thing I've got distractions such as pinball inside the house. I'm able to do the research and planning so I don't have to be totally idle. Last night (when I couldn't sleep) I re-programmed the newer machine. Some of the dip switches were set wrong and caused it to behave weird. Works good now.